Orim was born following the concept of circular economy, when the circular economy was an undeveloped concept. This is why we like to think that SUSTAINABILITY is a value that has been in our company's DNA since its foundation. Since the publication of the UN 2030 Agenda, we have been working to pursue the Sustainable Development Goals to the best of our ability.
Since 2020, we have been an active member of the OPEN-ES platform and produce an annual sustainability report following the ESG (Environment/social/governance) protocol.

People are, without doubt, crucial to our organisation: they represent employees, workers, customers, suppliers and local communities, and their growth - in knowledge, prosperity and well-being - is central to the success of all.
As a company, we have therefore chosen to invest in their value, both on the human capital side (e.g. individual knowledge, skills, competencies) and on the social capital side (e.g. shared norms, values).
By focusing on employees, the fundamental pillar on which the company bases its activities, we offer them a safe environment with stimulating, meritocratic, rights-respecting and non-discriminatory working conditions. Furthermore, the company encourages, stimulates and incentivises their professional growth and promotes their well-being.

Our company, like all companies, generates impacts on the environment in which it operates, both due to the nature of the business and the activities related to our supply chain.
The impact on the environment must therefore be managed effectively to ensure business continuity while avoiding significant damage to the ecosystem and the people who inhabit it. Corporate responsibility extends throughout the value chain, spanning the three macro-areas of sustainability, environmental responsibility (E), social responsibility (S) and governance (G), to show our commitment to addressing environmental and social impacts.
As a company, we have decided to introduce guidelines for both our employees and external stakeholders that aim to raise awareness of the sustainability issues and metrics that are most relevant to us.
Acting according to a sustainable business model that creates value in the long term means, in fact, committing ourselves to the protection of the environment, paying particular attention to the resources used and the management of our infrastructures, trying to devise new solutions to minimise the impacts generated (direct or indirect).

Prosperity translates into the fight to end poverty and inequality, described in terms of:
- Economic growth - built on decent employment, sustainable livelihoods, increased income, social protection and access to financial services for all people
- Innovation and transformation of business models - to create shared value, including investments in sustainable infrastructure, settlements, industrialisation, SMEs, energy and technology
- Shared prosperity and growth - based on sustainable production and consumption in the short and long term.
Employment and job creation are key drivers of economic growth and prosperity and provide a basic indication of a company's ability to attract diverse talent, which is key to innovating and creating new products and services.

In addition to the principles of Responsible Governance, which are vital in order to ensure that we act consciously and respectfully, it is becoming increasingly important for companies to focus on the creation of long-term value and the definition of objectives that integrate the economic, environmental and social impacts generated or suffered indirectly, in their business.
As a company, we have therefore realised the importance of Governance in order to achieve these results, guiding us towards responsible choices both economically, socially and environmentally, building legitimacy with our stakeholders.
In this sense, we intend to direct our business aspirations towards becoming aware of and respecting economic, environmental and social impacts, controlling risks and protecting stakeholders' interests.